We just published results from a 2-year study investigating how teachers teaching the AP CS Principles course for the first time used our online PD materials, PD4CS. Our results showed that the teaching and computing background of teachers had a significant impact on the teachers’ need for and use of online […]
We have a new chapter in the Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, in which we discuss how computer science efforts to increase the role of computing in schools gives us a unique opportunity to expand computing education research. Specifically, we have laid out directions for future research […]
The video below provides an overview of our article in Communications of the ACM on the need for teacher educators and computer scientists to collaborate together to ensure future teachers are prepared to integrate computational thinking in their classrooms.
Cognitive, Affective, and Dispositional Components of Learning to Program Alex Lishinski Dissertation Given the national importance being placed on computing education, such as the CSforAll initiative to expand computer science (CS) education to K-12 students, there is a need to better understand how students come to learn CS concepts. Prior […]
Preservice teachers’ intention to teach media & information literacy in their future classroom: An application of theory of planned behavior. Sarah Gretter Dissertation Today’s students are exposed to unfiltered media messages on a daily basis. International organizations such as UNESCO, and educational reforms within the United States like the Next […]
We have a publication in the Journal of Media Literacy Education to shed light on the critical need for media literacy given the recent focus on “fake news” and misinformation online. As digital stories through blogs, videos, or social networks have become the main form of communication, we argue that the line […]
In a study published in Computer Science Education, we examined teachers’ perspectives about teaching computer science, challenges they face in the classroom, and areas they believe are needed for them to be successful in the classroom. Teachers in our study highlighted a number of challenges beginning computer science teachers face and discussed […]
Alex Lishinski, Jon Good, and I presented two papers at International Computing Educational Research Conference in Melbourne, Australia. In the first paper “Learning to Program: Gender Differences and Interactive Effects of Students’ Motivation, Goals and Self-Efficacy on Performance“, Alex will present results from an empirical on examining CS1 students along dimensions of self-regulated […]
My colleague Ashlie Martini and I have received funding from National Science Foundation to use case studies to introduce design thinking to first-generation and underrepresented students to help them transition from classroom and lab-based learning to engineering capstone design and ultimately to their careers in engineering fields. Through this project, we […]
We used qualitative interviews for an in-depth examination of student perceptions on the use of cases in a mechanical engineering course. Specifically, we examined what aspects of case studies students found to be beneficial and what aspects they found to be challenging. The interviews produced a rich set of qualitative data, which suggested that students […]